Just a bunch of links really, but hopefully useful (scroll down to the end for a bunch of really useful online resources for people learning to code)…
Women returners:
- http://wrpn.womenreturners.com/returnships/
- https://www.techuk.org/returners
- https://www.wherewomenwork.com/Women-Returner-Opportunities …
Black females:
- https://codingblackfemales.com/
Tech Mums: http://techmums.co/about/
Equate Scotland: equatescotland.org.uk/women/
13 places where women can learn to code: https://learntocodewith.me/posts/13-places-women-learn-code/
Code First Girls: https://codefirstgirls.typeform.com/to/ks4bsj
Code First Girls professional courses: http://www.codefirstgirls.org.uk/female-professionals.html
- Codebar – free weekly courses
- freeCodeCamp: Learn to code for free
- Scrimba – learn coding for free in the browser
- Exercism – free coding with feedback from mentors
- Web Developer Roadmap – different routes to becoming a web developer
- Stairway to Orione – List of useful things to read / practise for becoming a great software engineer
- Maker’s Academy – highly selective 12-week courses, open to beginners
- Manchester Codes – Manchester(UK)-based part time coding bootcamp. Not free, but some scholarships available.
- North Coders – Manchester(UK)-based coding bootcamp. Not free, but some scholarships available.
- Founders & Coders– London based free Javascript Bootcamp
- Meetup.com– Lots of meetups all over the UK & Ireland!
- https://codeyourfuture.co – Coding school for refugees
- http://tech.london/events/coding-for-everyone – “Coding for everyone”
- https://www.techworld.com/picture-gallery/careers/coding-courses-bootcamps-in-uk-3629316/ – 15 coding courses and bootcamps in the UK
- Code Club (www.codeclub.org.uk)
- Code Your Future (https://codeyourfuture.co)
- Barcamp (Manchester Barcamp)
- NorthWest Tech Events Calendar (UK)
- Hour of Code – free coding exercises
- Humble Bundle – a way of getting bundles of books and software cheaply, whilst also donating to charity
- Cyber-Dojo – a great place to practice coding in a range of languages, as part of a community
- Charlotte Fereday’s info to help people learning to code for free
- Code Academy
- Free Code Camp
- Cyber-dojo
- Tree House
- Skillcrush
- Udacity
- Codelabs
- Coursera
- TeamTreehouse
- 560 free online courses from 200 universities
Advice on starting a career in tech: https://insimpleterms.blog/2017/10/16/advice-for-women-or-anyone-starting-a-career-in-tech/
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