Hack Manchester 2017: The Challenges

Hack Manchester 2017: The Challenges

I couldn’t find anywhere all the challenges / prizes were listed together, so I’m putting them all on one page for easy comparison.

Follow the links to find out about the sponsors and see more detail / explanation about the challenges:

WebApp UK: Best in Show.

MediaBurst: “Use SMS to help save lives.”

Dunnhumby: “Use technology to enhance the retail experience for a customer in the home or in store.

Ombudsman Services: “Create something that will make a consumer even angrier when registering a complaint.

GCHQ: “Develop a new way to send information to the emergency services.

Carbon Co-op: “Create an energy monitor which would be suitable for a visually impaired user.

Co-op: “Design an app, game, website or other digital service that re-connects people who’ve lost someone with other people and things to do in the places they live.

Texecom: “Use our network of wireless sensors to show us something interesting about the behaviour of people at Manchester Science Festival and the Texecom head office.

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